Brendan Grady

IoT Account Manager, Sprint
Brendan Grady is the General Manager of the Analytics Business Unit at Qlik where he leads product engineering and R&D, product marketing, product management, product-led growth, and offering management teams related to Qlik’s analytics offerings. Before this role, Brendan served as VP and General Manager for Qlik Cloud.

Brendan Grady

IoT Accou nt Manager, Sprint
Brendan Grady is the General Manager of the Analytics Business Unit at Qlik where he leads product engineering and R&D, product marketing, product management, product-led growth, and offering management teams related to Qlik’s analytics offerings. Before this role, Brendan served as VP and General Manager for Qlik Cloud.
Who Should Lead Your AI Initiative? Say Hello To The Head of AI
Digital Transformation
Brendan Grady
Dec 28, 2023
AI will continue to set apart organizations that can harness its power at scale in secure and governed ways.
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