IoT Account Manager, Sprint
VROC is a leading no-code AI and Automated ML SaaS. Empower your subject matter experts and engineers with a tool that lets them model their problem statements and predict future equipment failures and outcomes with no programming or coding experience. Our unique platform takes a holistic view of your facility, learning from all available data on how your processes and equipment operate. VROC alerts your team in advance of failures, providing time to mitigate and plan maintenance, helping you avoid unplanned shutdowns, improving safety and reliability, and optimizing performance.


IoT Accou nt Manager, Sprint
VROC is a leading no-code AI and Automated ML SaaS. Empower your subject matter experts and engineers with a tool that lets them model their problem statements and predict future equipment failures and outcomes with no programming or coding experience. Our unique platform takes a holistic view of your facility, learning from all available data on how your processes and equipment operate. VROC alerts your team in advance of failures, providing time to mitigate and plan maintenance, helping you avoid unplanned shutdowns, improving safety and reliability, and optimizing performance.
How IoT and AI Can Benefit Water Utility Operators
Oct 16, 2023
IoT can help water utilities more effectively monitor their systems and generate data to be analyzed by AI.
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